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15th May

Discover Pergo Odense Laminate Flooring: The Ultimate in Style and Durability

Are you seeking flooring that seamlessly mimics the look of real timber while offering unmatched durability? Pergo Odense Laminate Flooring is the next generation in laminate, setting new standards for elegance and practicality in your home.

Realistic Timber Aesthetic

Pergo Odense boasts extra wide and long planks with an incredibly high repeat pattern, creating a strikingly authentic timber appearance. Each plank is meticulously crafted to capture the warmth and natural beauty of real wood, making it difficult to discern from the genuine article.

Enduring and Easy to Maintain

What sets Pergo Odense apart is its exceptional durability and minimal maintenance requirements. Unlike traditional timber, this laminate flooring is waterproof, making it suitable for any area of your home, including moisture-prone spaces like kitchens and bathrooms. No more worries about spills or pet mishaps—Pergo Odense can handle them effortlessly.

Pet-Friendly Assurance

For households with pets, Pergo Odense offers peace of mind with its dedicated pet warranty. This means that even in high-traffic zones or homes with active pets, your floors are shielded against scratches and wear, preserving their beauty for years to come.

Resistant to Scratches and Easy to Clean

Pergo Odense is not only scratch-resistant but also remarkably easy to maintain. In most cases, a simple dry mop or vacuuming is all that’s needed to keep your floors looking their best. This hassle-free maintenance routine ensures that your Pergo Odense Laminate Flooring retains its pristine appearance with minimal effort on your part.

Trendsetting Color Palette

Pergo Odense doesn’t just deliver durability and realism—it also brings contemporary style to your space with its range of on-trend colors. Whether you prefer classic wood tones or modern hues, Pergo Odense offers options that seamlessly complement your interior design vision.

Explore Pergo Odense Today

Ready to transform your space with Pergo Odense Laminate Flooring? Visit us today to experience firsthand the beauty, durability, and style that Pergo Odense brings to every room. Say hello to flooring that exceeds expectations and turns your home into a sanctuary of sophistication and comfort.

26th March

Introducing Perfect Step: The Ultimate Floating Floor Underlay

Upgrade your flooring experience with Perfect Step Underlay, our latest innovation in floating floor underlay. Designed specifically for use under laminate, timber, and cork flooring, Perfect Step offers unmatched versatility and performance. With thickness options of 3mm and 5mm, Perfect Step ensures seamless integration when these flooring types meet tiles and carpets, eliminating significant step-ups or step-downs for a flawless finish.

Key Features of Perfect Step:

Acoustic Control: Enjoy a peaceful environment with Perfect Step’s excellent acoustic control, reducing noise transmission for a quieter space.

Impact Absorption: Protect your floors and extend their lifespan with Perfect Step’s superior impact absorption, minimizing wear and tear.

Easy Installation: Lightweight and flexible, Perfect Step is easy to handle and install, saving you time and effort.

Continuous Damp Proofing: Integrated damp proofing prevents water damage, keeping your floors dry and durable.

Peel and Stick Strip: Installing Perfect Step is a breeze with its integrated peel and stick strip, ensuring a secure and seamless fit.

Lay Flat Polymers: Say goodbye to curling underlays with Perfect Step’s lay flat polymers, ensuring a smooth and flat surface.

Water and Mildew Resistant: Perfect Step is water-resistant and resistant to mildew, maintaining a clean and healthy environment.

Upgrade your flooring experience with Perfect Step and enjoy unparalleled comfort, durability, and performance. Say goodbye to uneven transitions and hello to a flawless flooring finish with Perfect Step underlay.

Experience the difference with Perfect Step – the perfect choice for your flooring needs.

12th March

Transforming Spaces Safely – Installing Floating Floors Over Asbestos Flooring

The legacy of asbestos in flooring has left many property owners facing the challenge of how to address the associated health risks during renovations. As we delve into the complexities of asbestos removal and the potential dangers it poses, a game-changing solution emerges – laying floating floors over existing asbestos-based vinyl. This not only proves to be a cost-effective and time-efficient alternative but also guarantees the safety of occupants by ensuring the asbestos-laden vinyl remains undisturbed.

The Asbestos Flooring Conundrum:

Vinyl flooring with an asbestos base, once celebrated for its stain resistance, fireproofing, and affordability, now demands a careful approach due to the inherent health risks linked with asbestos exposure. The release of asbestos fibers into the air during renovations or removal processes can lead to severe respiratory issues, necessitating a safer and more practical alternative.

The Comprehensive Solution: Floating Floors Over Asbestos-Based Vinyl:

1. Cost-Efficiency:

Installing floating floors over existing asbestos-based vinyl eliminates the need for costly and intricate asbestos removal procedures. By choosing a floating floor solution, homeowners and businesses can significantly cut down on project expenses while still achieving a high-quality flooring upgrade.

2. Time-Saving Installation:

Floating floors, such as engineered hardwood or laminate, boast a streamlined installation process. Laying these innovative flooring materials directly over the existing asbestos-based vinyl reduces the overall renovation timeline. This not only saves time but also ensures a quicker transformation of spaces without compromising on quality.

3. Minimal Disruption to Asbestos Flooring:

Unlike traditional asbestos removal, installing a floating floor minimizes disruption to residents or businesses. The process is notably quiet, generates less dust, and allows individuals to continue their daily activities without the need for temporary relocation. This ensures a seamless and stress-free renovation experience.

4. Health and Safety Assurance:

The paramount advantage of opting for a floating floor solution is the guarantee of health and safety. By covering the asbestos-containing vinyl, the potential release of harmful fibers into the air is completely eliminated. This approach prioritizes the well-being of occupants and workers, creating a safer environment during and after renovations.

5. Permanent Encapsulation of Asbestos Flooring:

Importantly, installing floating floors over asbestos-based vinyl provides permanent encapsulation. This means that the asbestos-laden vinyl is effectively sealed, ensuring it remains undisturbed and incapable of ever releasing its fibers into the air. This long-term solution offers peace of mind, assuring property owners that the asbestos risk is entirely mitigated.


In the quest for a safe, cost-effective, and time-efficient renovation strategy, installing floating floors over existing asbestos-based vinyl emerges as the ultimate solution. Not only does it address the health risks associated with asbestos exposure, but it also guarantees the permanent encapsulation of the asbestos-laden vinyl, ensuring it remains undisturbed and incapable of releasing fibers into the air. This forward-thinking approach not only transforms spaces seamlessly but also prioritizes the health and safety of those who call these spaces home.

26th February

Flooring Maintenance: Ask the Right Questions Before You Choose

Choosing the right flooring for your home is a significant decision that involves considering various factors such as aesthetics, durability, and maintenance. While aesthetics may be the initial focus, it’s crucial not to overlook the long-term care your chosen flooring may require. In this blog, we’ll emphasize the importance of asking about maintenance when considering flooring options and delve into the specifics of caring for different types of floors.

The Maintenance Question:

When exploring flooring options for your home, it’s easy to get swept away by the allure of beautiful designs and textures. However, one crucial question often overlooked is, “What maintenance does this flooring require?” Maintenance plays a pivotal role in preserving the beauty and longevity of your floors, making it essential to have a clear understanding of the care routine involved.

Understanding Flooring Maintenance:

1. Mopping Considerations:

Not all floors can be treated the same way when it comes to mopping. Some flooring materials are sensitive to excessive moisture, and using the wrong cleaning method may lead to damage over time. Some hardwood floors, for example, generally require a more cautious approach to mopping. As their joins are not tight too much water can seep into the wood, causing warping or swelling. Meaning you have to use a damp mop rather than a wet one and to dry the floor promptly.

2. Special Care for Oiled Floors:

Oiled floors add a warm and natural touch to your home but demand specific care. Regular cleaning involves using an oil care product approximately every 4-6 washes to replenish the protective coating. Additionally, an intensive oil care treatment is recommended every 6-12 months, depending on the environmental conditions. This ensures that the flooring maintains its luster and is shielded against wear and tear.

3. Laminate Flooring:

Laminate flooring are generally more resistant to moisture, making them easier to clean. Regular sweeping and occasional mopping can keep them looking pristine.

4. Cleaning Products

Are the cleaning products for your new flooring readily available? If your new flooring is going to require specialized cleaning product (i.e. oil) does the supplier of your floor have the cleaning or maintenance product available to purchase?


In the excitement of choosing new flooring, it’s easy to forget that each material comes with its own set of maintenance requirements. Taking the time to ask about and understand the necessary care for your chosen flooring is a crucial step in ensuring its longevity and preserving its aesthetic appeal. Whether it’s the cautious mopping of hardwood, the specific oil care for oiled floors, informed maintenance practices will keep your floors looking stunning for years to come. So, before you make your final flooring decision, make sure to ask the right questions about maintenance and commit to the care routine that fits your lifestyle and the unique needs of your chosen flooring.

13th February

The Silent Foundation: The Significance of a Quality Underlay

Creating the perfect flooring for your space often involves focusing on visible aspects such as color, texture, and material. However, many overlook a crucial element that can make or break the flooring experience – the underlay beneath a floating floor. This seemingly humble layer plays a vital role, offering numerous benefits that contribute to the overall performance and longevity of your flooring. In this blog, we will delve into the key aspects of a high-quality underlays, emphasizing its acoustic properties, stability, durability, and the convenience of an incorporated Damp Proof Membrane (DPM).

Achieving Acoustic Excellence:

Investing in a high-quality underlay is essential due to its acoustic properties. A good underlay acts as a sound insulator, reducing impact and airborne noise between floors. Whether you’re in a bustling commercial space or a peaceful home environment, a proper underlay can create a more serene atmosphere by absorbing and dampening sound vibrations. This is especially crucial in shared living spaces or multi-story buildings, where noise reduction can significantly enhance comfort.

Prioritizing Stability:

An effective underlay should provide a stable foundation for your floating floor. It should lay flat and remain in place, preventing the floor from shifting or bunching over time. This stability not only ensures a smooth and even surface but also enhances the overall safety of the flooring. The absence of bumps or irregularities in the underlay contributes to a more secure walking surface, reducing the risk of accidents.

Resilience Over Time:

The longevity of your flooring depends on the resilience of the underlay. A good underlay should resist compression, maintaining its thickness and support over time. This resilience is particularly important in high-traffic areas, where constant footfall can exert pressure on the flooring system. Investing in a durable underlay ensures that your floating floor remains in optimal condition, even in the face of heavy use.

Quality Underlays Integrate a Damp Proof Membrane (DPM):

Traditionally, people commonly installed a separate plastic sheet as a damp-proof membrane. However, modern underlays often come equipped with an integrated DPM. This eliminates the need for an additional layer, streamlining the installation process and reducing the risk of moisture-related issues. The DPM in the underlay acts as a barrier, preventing moisture from seeping into the flooring material and protecting it from potential damage.

High Quality Underlays Tailored to High Traffic Environments:

Not all underlays are created equal. Some may be designed for low-traffic areas, like spare rooms or attics, where performance requirements are less stringent. However, our underlays are specifically crafted for high-traffic environments. They are engineered to withstand the rigors of daily use and come in a range of thicknesses to accommodate various flooring mediums, such as tiles. This ensures that our underlays meet the demands of both durability and versatility.


In the realm of flooring, the underlay beneath a floating floor is a silent hero that deserves recognition. Its impact on acoustic performance, stability, durability, and the convenience of an integrated DPM cannot be overstated. When considering your flooring options, don’t overlook the importance of a quality underlay – the unsung champion that ensures your floors not only look great but also stand the test of time in both form and function.

18th January

Master Installers: The Advantage of Quickstep Accredited Installers

Unmatched Precision and Peace of Mind: Enhancing Your Flooring Experience with a Quickstep Accredited Master Installer

Choosing the right flooring for your space is a significant decision, but equally important is the installation process. Quickstep, a renowned name in the flooring industry, goes the extra mile to ensure that your flooring not only looks stunning but is also installed with precision and expertise. One way they achieve this is by accrediting master installers who undergo rigorous training and critique processes. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of having a Quickstep Accredited Master Installer handle the installation of your flooring.

1.Expert Training and Critique of Master Installers:

Quickstep is committed to maintaining a high standard of installation for their flooring products. The master installers accredited by Quickstep undergo comprehensive training directly from the company. This training covers the latest industry standards, advanced installation techniques, and the specific requirements for Quickstep flooring. The installers are critiqued and evaluated to ensure they meet the brand’s stringent criteria for craftsmanship.

2.Precision Installation:

When you choose a Quickstep Master Installer, you can trust that your flooring will be installed with the utmost precision. These installers have an in-depth understanding of Quickstep products, allowing them to handle the installation process efficiently and accurately. From preparing the subfloor to seamlessly fitting the flooring, their expertise ensures that every detail is attended to, resulting in a flawless finish.

3.Lifetime Warranty for Installation Issues:

To instill confidence in their customers, Quickstep provides a lifetime warranty for installation issues when the flooring is installed by an accredited master installer. This warranty underscores the company’s commitment to quality and serves as a testament to the confidence they have in the skills of their accredited installers. It provides peace of mind, knowing that any unforeseen installation problems will be promptly addressed.

4.Efficient Problem Resolution:

In the rare event that an issue arises with the installation, having a Quickstep Accredited Master Installer proves invaluable. These professionals have direct access to Quickstep’s support and resources, streamlining the process of problem resolution. Whether it’s a minor adjustment or a more complex issue, the accredited installer can tap into the expertise of Quickstep to ensure a swift and effective solution.

5.Enhanced Durability and Longevity:

The proper installation of flooring is crucial for its long-term durability. Quickstep Accredited Master Installers are equipped with the knowledge and skills to optimize the lifespan of your flooring. Their attention to detail during installation contributes to the overall durability of the floor, ensuring that it withstands the test of time in various conditions.


Choosing a Quickstep Accredited Master Installer for your flooring installation is a decision that pays off in the long run. The combination of expert training, precision installation, and a lifetime warranty for installation issues ensures that your flooring not only looks stunning but also stands the test of time. When it comes to investing in quality flooring, the expertise of a Quickstep Accredited Master Installer is a valuable asset.

4th January

Floating vs Glued Floors: Unveiling the Differences

Floating Floors vs. Glued Floors

Choosing the right flooring for your space involves careful consideration of practicality, aesthetics, and budget. In recent times, floating floors have surged in popularity, especially with dedicated brands like Quickstep and Pergo engineered for this installation method. However, it’s crucial to delve into the key distinctions between floating vs glued floors, especially as some flooring brands not initially designed for floating are being installed as such to cut costs.

Floating Floors: A Cost-Effective Alternative

Floating floors, gracefully floating over an underlayment without direct attachment to the subfloor, have gained popularity. Brands like Quickstep and Pergo are purposefully engineered for floating installations, offering a cost-effective and efficient solution for homeowners. Here’s why:

1. Installation Cost:

Floating floors generally require less labor and materials, making them more budget-friendly compared to glued down floors.

2. Repair Options:

Quickstep and Pergo offer expanded repair options when floated. If a specific area is damaged, homeowners can replace planks without affecting the entire floor, saving both time and repair costs.

3. Moisture Barrier:

Floating floors, including Quickstep and Pergo, are installed with underlays. Good quality underlays incorporate a Damp-Proof Membrane (DPM). This eliminates the need for a separate and often costly moisture barrier, enhancing overall budget-friendliness.

4. Earthquake Resilience:

Floating floors can be advantageous in earthquake-prone areas. Decoupled from the subfloor, they are less affected by minor damages to the subfloor caused by seismic activity, making them a practical choice for regions with frequent seismic events.

Preventing Gapping Issues:

Gapping between floorboards can be a concern, especially in areas with fluctuating humidity levels. Quality floating floors, such as those from Quickstep and Pergo, are designed to mitigate gapping issues:

1. Quality Underlay:

Choosing a high-quality underlay is crucial in preventing gapping. A premium underlayment can absorb sound, provide thermal insulation, and prevent gaps from forming.

2. Engineered Design:

Quickstep and Pergo, as reputable brands, incorporate innovative engineering to minimize the impact of seasonal movement on the floor, ensuring a more stable and gap-resistant flooring solution.

Glued Down Floors: Limitations in Repair and Seasonal Movement

While glued down floors have their merits, they come with limitations that should be considered:

1. Installation Challenges:

Installing glued down floors is more costly and time-consuming, requiring drying time and moisture barriers over concrete subfloors, contributing to increased expenses and a longer installation timeline.

2. Limited Repair Options:

Repairing glued down floors can be challenging. If damage occurs, it often involves costly plank removal, reapplication of moisture barriers, and sometimes requires sanding and refinishing of the entire floor, leading to higher repair costs.

3. Seasonal Movement:

Glued down floors may experience gapping during seasonal changes, and once gaps appear, there’s little that can be done to rectify the issue.


In the ongoing debate between floating floors and glued down floors, it’s crucial to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each installation method. Brands like Quickstep and Pergo, designed specifically for floating installations, offer cost-effective solutions with enhanced repair options, preventive measures against gapping, and additional resilience in earthquake-prone areas. While glued down floors have their place, especially in specific settings, the growing popularity of floating floors suggests that the benefits they provide, including lower installation costs and improved repair options, make them a viable choice for many homeowners.

19th December

Certifiably Sustainable: A Guide to Flooring Certifications

Flooring Certifications. What are they? What do they mean?

As environmental consciousness continues to grow, homeowners are increasingly seeking eco-friendly and sustainable options for their living spaces. One crucial aspect of a sustainable home is the choice of flooring materials. In this blog post, we’ll explore various certifications that ensure the eco-friendliness and sustainability of flooring products. Each certification represents a commitment to environmental responsibility, health standards, and ethical sourcing. Let’s dive into the world of flooring certifications:

1. FSC (Forest Stewardship Council):

The FSC certification is a mark of responsibly sourced wood and forest products. Flooring bearing the FSC label indicates that the wood comes from well-managed forests that meet rigorous environmental and social standards. Choosing FSC-certified flooring helps conserve biodiversity and supports local communities.

2. A+ Flooring Certifications:

In the context of flooring, the A+ certification often refers to indoor air quality. This certification ensures that the flooring materials emit minimal volatile organic compounds (VOCs), contributing to healthier indoor air. A+ certified flooring is an excellent choice for homes, as it reduces the risk of respiratory issues and improves overall indoor air quality.

3. M1 Emission Class:

Originating from Finland, the M1 emission class is a standard for building materials that signifies low emissions of formaldehyde and other harmful substances. Flooring with M1 certification contributes to a healthier indoor environment by minimizing the release of pollutants.

4. PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification):

Similar to FSC, PEFC is a global certification system for sustainable forestry. PEFC-certified flooring ensures that the wood used comes from responsibly managed forests, promoting environmental conservation and supporting ethical practices.

5. EU Ecolabel:

The EU Ecolabel is a mark of environmental excellence awarded to products with a reduced environmental impact throughout their lifecycle. Flooring with the EU Ecolabel meets strict criteria for resource efficiency, emissions, and overall environmental performance.

6. EPD (Environmental Product Declaration):

EPD is a comprehensive declaration that provides information on a product’s environmental impact. EPD-certified flooring discloses data on energy consumption, emissions, and resource usage, helping consumers make informed choices based on the product’s sustainability.

7. Nordic Swan Ecolabel:

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a certification that guarantees a product’s compliance with stringent environmental and health criteria. Flooring carrying the Nordic Swan Ecolabel is produced with minimal impact on the environment and adheres to strict quality standards.

8. Nalfa (North American Laminate Flooring Association):

Nalfa certification is specific to laminate flooring. Products with Nalfa certification meet industry standards for performance, durability, and indoor air quality, providing consumers with assurance regarding the quality and sustainability of their laminate flooring.

9. US Green Building Council (USGBC):

The USGBC’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification is widely recognized for sustainable building practices. Flooring materials that contribute to LEED certification help homeowners achieve a higher level of sustainability in their homes.

10. CARB Phase 2:

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) Phase 2 certification sets limits on formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products, including certain types of flooring. Compliance with CARB Phase 2 standards ensures that flooring materials have low formaldehyde emissions, contributing to improved indoor air quality.

11. Floorscore Flooring Certifications:

Floorscore is a certification program that focuses on indoor air quality and VOC emissions. Flooring with Floorscore certification undergoes testing to ensure it meets strict standards for low emissions, providing a healthier living environment.

Flooring Certifications Conclusion:

When choosing flooring for your home, consider the impact on the environment and indoor air quality. Certifications such as FSC, A+, M1, PEFC, EU Ecolabel, EPD, Nordic Swan Ecolabel, Nalfa, US Green Building Council, CARB Phase 2, and Floorscore serve as valuable indicators of a product’s commitment to sustainability and health. By opting for certified flooring, you not only contribute to a greener planet but also create a healthier and more sustainable living space for you and your family.

4th December

The Crucial Role of Expansion Gaps in Floating Floors.

Expansion Gaps

When it comes to installing floating floors, the importance of expansion gaps cannot be overstated. These gaps, often overlooked are critical to the longevity of your flooring. They allow for the natural expansion and contraction of your flooring and home due to temperature and humidity changes. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the significance of expansion gaps, variations among manufacturers, and the potential issues that can arise if proper precautions aren’t taken.

Variability in expected Expansion Gaps:

The first consideration when installing floating floors is the manufacturers recommended expansion gap. As highlighted earlier, these requirements can vary between brands and materials. Quickstep and Pergo laminate installations typically demand an 8mm gap, while timber counterparts may necessitate a 10mm allowance. Adhering to these specifications ensures the flooring can adapt to temperature and humidity changes without compromising its structural integrity.

Covering the Expansion Gaps:

Once the correct expansion gap is determined, it’s essential to cover it adequately. Skirting or finishing profiles are commonly used for this purpose. However, the cover must be 4-5mm larger than the expansion gap to allow for any movement without compromising the aesthetics of the flooring. While most high-spec homes incorporate appropriately sized skirting’s, some spec homes or existing structures not originally designed for hard flooring may have skirting’s as narrow as 10mm.

Addressing Skirting Size Issues:

In cases where existing skirting’s are too narrow, a solution is available. The gib can be undercut to provide the required expansion gap. This meticulous adjustment ensures that the flooring has the space it needs to expand and contract without encountering any hindrances.

Understanding the Dynamics of Timber-Framed Houses:

Timber, a material highly sensitive to temperature and humidity fluctuations, is used extensively in the construction of frames for many houses. As these timber-framed structures respond to environmental changes, they undergo subtle movements that can impact the flooring. Without adequate expansion gaps, the flooring becomes susceptible to the effects of these shifts, leading to potential pinch points.

The Dangers of Pinch Points:

A pinch point occurs when the flooring, lacking a sufficient expansion gap, encounters resistance due to expansion or contraction. This pressure can lead to a range of issues, from noticeable gaps between boards to more severe problems like swelling or buckling of the entire floor. In essence, a single pinch point can have a domino effect, affecting the integrity of the entire floating floor.


In the world of floating floors, expansion gaps are not just a technicality but a fundamental aspect of proper installation and maintenance. By understanding the variability in gap requirements among manufacturers, ensuring adequate coverage, and addressing potential issues with skirting size, homeowners can safeguard their investment and enjoy the beauty and durability of floating floors for years to come.

13th November

Elevate Your Flooring: The Art of Transition and Finishing Profiles

Elevate Your Flooring: The Art of Transition Bars and Finishing Profiles

The allure of a beautifully crafted floor can be swiftly overshadowed by poorly chosen or mismatched transition bars and finishing profiles. Often overlooked, these small details play a crucial role in not only the aesthetics but also the functionality of your flooring. In this blog, we’ll delve into the significance of transition bars and finishing bars, exploring how they can either enhance or compromise the overall appeal of your timber, laminate, bamboo, or cork flooring.

1. The Downfall of Ugly Bars and Finishing Profiles:

Imagine investing in a stunning hardwood floor or a sleek laminate design, only to have the entire visual appeal marred by unsightly transition bars. These bars, if not chosen thoughtfully, can disrupt the seamless flow of your flooring, turning what could have been a masterpiece into a haphazard arrangement. Therefore, selecting transition bars that complement the color, texture, and style of your flooring is imperative to preserve the aesthetic harmony.

2. Avoiding Trip Hazards:

Height differences between different flooring materials or between rooms can create potential trip hazards if not addressed with the right transition bars. A poorly chosen or poorly installed transition bar can create an uneven surface, posing risks to both the aesthetics and safety of your space. Opting for profiles that seamlessly bridge height gaps ensures not only a visually appealing transition but also a secure and hazard-free environment.

3. Ribbed Commercial Bars vs. Domestic Finishing Profiles:

Commercial-grade transition bars are often ribbed and designed for heavy-duty use. However, in a domestic setting, these utilitarian bars can appear out of place and lack the finesse required for a home environment. Careful consideration must be given to choosing transition bars that align with the sophistication and elegance of residential spaces while maintaining their functionality.

4. Diverse Color Options:

Transition bars are not just functional; they’re an opportunity to add a touch of style to your flooring. With options like brushed silver, color-matched foil-wrapped, and powder-coated bars that match your joinery, you can seamlessly integrate these elements into your design scheme. The right color choice can either make the bars blend discreetly or stand out as a deliberate design feature.

5. Versatile Profiles for Every Need:

Transition bars come in various profiles to address specific requirements. Whether you need a box edge for a clean and minimalistic look, a ramp for smooth height transitions, an expansion profile to accommodate flooring movement, or a transition bar for seamless room connections, there’s a profile for every need. Understanding the purpose of each profile ensures a tailored solution for your flooring.

6. Discretion or Distinction:

Consider whether you want your transition bars to be as discreet as possible, seamlessly blending into the flooring, or if you want them to make a statement. Elements like black stair nosing can serve as both a safety feature and a design accent, turning what could be a functional necessity into a distinctive feature of your flooring design.


Transition bars and finishing bars may seem like minor details, but their impact on the overall aesthetics and functionality of your flooring is significant. By choosing the right profiles, colors, and styles, you can elevate your flooring to new heights, creating a cohesive and visually pleasing environment. At The Natural Flooring Company, we stock a diverse range of transition bars to ensure that every detail of your flooring reflects your unique style and meets the highest standards of design and safety.

31st October

HDF Core vs MDF Core Flooring: Exploring the Differences

HDF Core vs MDF Core

In the world of flooring materials, making an informed choice can be challenging. When it comes to flooring cores, two contenders are HDF (High-Density Fiberboard) and MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard). However, not all HDF is created equal. In this blog, we will explore HDF core vs MDF core flooring and the unique advantages of HDF cores. The infusion of melamine by our manufacturer, a commitment to enhancing water resistance that not all manufacturers share. Moreover, our HDF flooring meets some of the world’s strictest VOC emission standards, ensuring a healthy indoor environment.

Understanding HDF Flooring

Before diving into the benefits of HDF with melamine treatment and low VOC standards, let’s first distinguish between HDF and MDF:

1. HDF (High-Density Fiberboard): HDF is engineered wood made from exploded wood fibers, wax, and resin, compressed at high pressure to create a dense, durable sheet. It is widely used in flooring applications.

2. MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard): MDF, similar to HDF, consists of wood fibers, wax, and resin. However, it is less dense than HDF due to a lower compression process. MDF is primarily used in furniture and decorative elements but is less suitable for flooring.

The Advantage of HDF with Melamine Treatment

1. Unmatched Water Resistance:

While HDF is already a durable choice for flooring, our manufacturer goes the extra mile by impregnating melamine into the HDF. Creating Hydracore HDF! Melamine is a synthetic resin known for its exceptional water-repellent properties. This infusion of melamine ensures that our HDF flooring products are a lot less prone to moisture damage. This feature is especially valuable in moisture-prone areas like kitchens and bathrooms, where spills and splashes are common.

2. Exceptional Durability:

HDF, with or without melamine treatment, offers remarkable durability. It resists dents, scratches, and wear and tear, ensuring that your floors maintain their beauty even in high-traffic areas.

3. Precision Milling and Installation:

HDF’s density allows for precise milling, resulting in precisely cut and engineered flooring pieces and joints. This precision simplifies installation and ensures a tight, waterproof and seamless fit between planks, eliminating gaps and improving the overall appearance of your floor.

4. Stability in Changing Conditions:

HDF with melamine maintains its dimensional stability, resisting expansion and contraction due to changes in humidity and temperature. This stability ensures that your flooring remains flat and secure over time.

5. Smooth Surface Finish:

HDF’s dense composition, combined with melamine treatment, results in a smooth and even surface. This provides an excellent base for laminating, painting, or applying veneers, allowing for various design options.

6. Low VOC Standards for Healthier Indoor Environments:

In addition to water resistance and durability, our HDF flooring meets some of the world’s strictest VOC emission standards. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) can have adverse effects on indoor air quality and health. Our commitment to low VOC emissions ensures that your indoor environment remains healthy and comfortable.


When choosing flooring materials, not all HDF is the same. At our company, we take great pride in offering HDF flooring solutions that set new standards in water resistance, thanks to the infusion of melamine by our manufacturer. Elevate your interior design to new heights by choosing HDF cores with melamine treatment for your flooring needs. Experience the difference that unmatched water resistance, durability, and low VOC standards can make in maintaining the beauty and health of your indoor environment, especially in moisture-prone areas.

12th October

What is a Floating Floor: Unveiling the Secrets of Floating Floors

When it comes to flooring solutions, one term that has been gaining immense popularity in recent years is the “floating floor.” This innovative concept is revolutionizing the way we think about flooring, providing not only an attractive and functional option but also a versatile and earthquake-friendly solution. So, what exactly is a floating floor, and what makes it so unique? In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of floating floors, explore their benefits, and shed light on some key components that make them truly exceptional.

What is a Floating Floor?

At its core, a floating floor is a type of flooring installation method where the floor material is not directly attached to the subfloor. Instead, it “floats” on top of it. This fundamental difference from traditional flooring systems allows the house and the floor to move independently. This independence serves a multitude of purposes, from preventing gapping in the floor to offering remarkable earthquake resistance.

Independence is Key

The decoupled nature of floating floors is what sets them apart. In traditional flooring, the material is typically glued or nailed directly to the subfloor, creating a rigid connection. This rigidity can lead to problems over time, such as the formation of gaps or the transmission of sound and vibrations. Floating floors, on the other hand, are designed to move with the house’s natural settling and shifting. This makes them far more forgiving and durable.

Earthquake Resilience

In areas prone to seismic activity, the flexibility of floating floors is a game-changer. During an earthquake, the ground can shift and move significantly, potentially causing damage to a rigidly attached floor. A floating floor’s ability to move independently from the subfloor can help mitigate the damage by absorbing some of the seismic forces. This is a crucial factor in regions where earthquakes are a real concern, providing peace of mind to homeowners.

The Importance of the Clip: Uniclic Joint System

While the concept of a floating floor is revolutionary in itself, the key to its success lies in the details. One such detail is the use of a reliable and robust joint system. The Uniclic joint system has earned its reputation as an industry leader, and for good reason. This patented technology ensures a seamless and secure connection between floor planks. The “click and lock” design of Uniclic joints makes installation a breeze while providing an incredibly stable and gap-resistant flooring surface.

Premium Underlays for Optimal Performance

Underlayment is a vital component of any floating floor system. It not only enhances comfort underfoot but also serves to dampen sound, improve insulation, and provide support to the floor planks. Using a high-quality underlay is essential to ensuring the long-term performance of your floating floor. That’s why we only use premium underlays to complement our flooring solutions.

In conclusion, the concept of a floating floor is a revelation in the world of flooring. Its decoupled design, which allows the floor to move independently from the subfloor, offers numerous benefits such as preventing gapping and enhancing earthquake resistance. The Uniclic joint system and the use of premium underlays are vital elements that contribute to the success of floating floors. So, if you’re in the market for a durable, versatile, and earthquake-friendly flooring solution, consider the advantages of a floating floor – it might be just what your home needs.