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Quality Underlays
  • 13th February, 2024

The Silent Foundation: The Significance of a Quality Underlay

Creating the perfect flooring for your space often involves focusing on visible aspects such as color, texture, and material. However, many overlook a crucial element that can make or break the flooring experience – the underlay beneath a floating floor. This seemingly humble layer plays a vital role, offering numerous benefits that contribute to the overall performance and longevity of your flooring. In this blog, we will delve into the key aspects of a high-quality underlays, emphasizing its acoustic properties, stability, durability, and the convenience of an incorporated Damp Proof Membrane (DPM).

Achieving Acoustic Excellence:

Investing in a high-quality underlay is essential due to its acoustic properties. A good underlay acts as a sound insulator, reducing impact and airborne noise between floors. Whether you’re in a bustling commercial space or a peaceful home environment, a proper underlay can create a more serene atmosphere by absorbing and dampening sound vibrations. This is especially crucial in shared living spaces or multi-story buildings, where noise reduction can significantly enhance comfort.

Prioritizing Stability:

An effective underlay should provide a stable foundation for your floating floor. It should lay flat and remain in place, preventing the floor from shifting or bunching over time. This stability not only ensures a smooth and even surface but also enhances the overall safety of the flooring. The absence of bumps or irregularities in the underlay contributes to a more secure walking surface, reducing the risk of accidents.

Resilience Over Time:

The longevity of your flooring depends on the resilience of the underlay. A good underlay should resist compression, maintaining its thickness and support over time. This resilience is particularly important in high-traffic areas, where constant footfall can exert pressure on the flooring system. Investing in a durable underlay ensures that your floating floor remains in optimal condition, even in the face of heavy use.

Quality Underlays Integrate a Damp Proof Membrane (DPM):

Traditionally, people commonly installed a separate plastic sheet as a damp-proof membrane. However, modern underlays often come equipped with an integrated DPM. This eliminates the need for an additional layer, streamlining the installation process and reducing the risk of moisture-related issues. The DPM in the underlay acts as a barrier, preventing moisture from seeping into the flooring material and protecting it from potential damage.

High Quality Underlays Tailored to High Traffic Environments:

Not all underlays are created equal. Some may be designed for low-traffic areas, like spare rooms or attics, where performance requirements are less stringent. However, our underlays are specifically crafted for high-traffic environments. They are engineered to withstand the rigors of daily use and come in a range of thicknesses to accommodate various flooring mediums, such as tiles. This ensures that our underlays meet the demands of both durability and versatility.


In the realm of flooring, the underlay beneath a floating floor is a silent hero that deserves recognition. Its impact on acoustic performance, stability, durability, and the convenience of an integrated DPM cannot be overstated. When considering your flooring options, don’t overlook the importance of a quality underlay – the unsung champion that ensures your floors not only look great but also stand the test of time in both form and function.