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Harmony ivory cork flooring
  • 27th April, 2023

Why Cork Flooring Is Green And Healthy For Environment?

Cork is a naturally occurring and renewable substance. It is extracted from the bark of cork oak trees native to Spain, Portugal, and Tunisia and has been used in building for generations. It has grown in favour as a flooring material across the world due to its durability, attractiveness, “green” properties, and other distinguishing features. Cork flooring is made of:

Healthy For Our Environment:

The antimicrobial properties of cork flooring are quite healthy for our environment. It contains suberin, a waxy component found in the cell walls of cork tissue (an inert impermeable waxy material). This is wonderful if you are thinking about installing a cork floor but have allergies or small children. It has a natural repellent effect on tiny vermin and insects. Cork floors are so resistant to the growth and colonisation of these organisms and can thus contribute to the promotion of a healthy environment.


Cork is a naturally renewable and ecologically beneficial material. It is extracted from the bark of the Cork tree without harming the tree. Every few years, the bark regenerates. It is a biodegradable flooring product that, when discarded, will degrade in the environment. Thus, making cork flooring much more environment-friendly.


Cork is a sustainable alternative since it is a natural and renewable resource that can be utilized without the guilt that comes with utilizing hardwoods from tropical rainforests.

Doesn’t Emit Harmful Fumes:

Cork is fire-resistant and will only ignite at extremely high temperatures. Cork flooring emits considerably less harmful material before and during burning than vinyl flooring. Thereby, even if the cork flooring catches fire, the fumes and smoke emitted will not cause much harm to the environment.

These points highlight why we believe cork flooring is greener for our environment. With the installation of cork flooring, you can get the guilt off your shoulder that your flooring choice may negatively impact our planet and its environment. Thus, this flooring is not just attractive but also green.